Measuring the QRPp’s Isn’t Easy

Posted on February 9, 2016 at 9:32 am in

Interesting how a development in one area of this hobby can force a sudden change of direction to explore some new areas. I’ve been happily experimenting with my Hans Summers Ultimate 3S kit when I realised that I could band-hop and get a picture of propagation conditions updated every 30 minutes or so. Cool idea.…

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Ultimate 3 S – part 2 – drifting a bit

Posted on January 18, 2016 at 9:16 am in

I let the U3s run last night with the first LPF relay board installed (6 bands only) and hopping in sequence from 80m to 10m just to see what can happen. I’m still learning the device, she is not a trivial little kit! I added a CW ID as the last transmission. Anyways to my…

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Ultimate 3 S – part 1

Posted on January 11, 2016 at 7:52 pm in

My latest baby! I will write the full story in a few installments, from the back to the front so to speak, in other words I’ll show you the final result first before going back and showing pictures of the construction and so on. Of course I’m talking about my Hans Summers Ultimate 3S beacon…

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WSPRing is addictive

Posted on November 5, 2015 at 8:29 am in

Like the mermaid calling the sailor, this mode called WSPR seems to be calling me back every time. Circumstances pushed me out of the house into my new outside semi-underground shack which made me QRT for a while while I was painting and renovating, but the first thing I did (after making the few compulsary…

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Falklands is a mere WSPR away

Posted on June 8, 2015 at 10:55 am in

The last thing I did last night was to make peace between my laptop, my Flex-1500 SDR, and the various VAC and VSP drivers and whatever else was struggling to co-exist in the apparently too small memory of my Windows 7 computer. So can you imagine the delightful surprise I got this morning: I switched…

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Flex-1500 – Starting the SDR journey

Posted on May 31, 2015 at 9:20 am in

I might be older, but I’m very young at heart when it comes to technology. I love playing with all the latest gadgets and adopting my hobby to the emerging technologies. One example would be that I only run solid-state amplifiers (watch out for my series of articles on building my own). I also talk…

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Nixie Tube Clock

Posted on May 6, 2015 at 3:08 pm in

Nixie Tube Clock I’m sorry in advance if I’m going to hurt somebody’s feelings here, but you cannot be a radio ham if you not like small glass bottles that glows in the dark. Even if you are a die-hard solid-state amateur like me, you absolutely HAVE-to-have something that indicates or flashes or twinkles in…

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Tarheel Antenna Controller

Posted on April 8, 2015 at 1:20 pm in

I have lately been taking some family holidays at the coast and this presented me with the ideal opportunity to play with portable and/or mobile antennas. Initially I used a standard 108″ whip antenna, tuned with a tuner. I bolted it to my towbar with a custom bracket. It kind-of works but deep inside I…

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QRSS on 30m with Arduino

Posted on January 7, 2015 at 8:43 am in

QRSS is not something I knew anything about, until I stumbled across a useful use for my Arduino: A small daughter board (called a shield) with a few components to turn it into a QRSS transmitter. I admit I am lazy and morse code is way out of my reach – know the joke? did…

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Mobile in Hibberdene KF59gk

Posted on October 15, 2014 at 7:39 am in

I had the privilege to go on holiday for a few days to the coast, staying in a lovely woodenframe cottage with my dogs for 4 days. My wife allowed me to pack a small radio, and so on the Saturday I managed to catch a few contacts with my new/old (that’s another story!) IC-703,…

Mobile in Hibberdene KF59gk - continue reading

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