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Making (Big) Waves

March 15, 2018 - 11:41 am

The Yaesu FL-2100Z is a classic HF amplifier. It sits near the end of a long life line of multiple variations and models of the basic 811A or 572B triode valve, all using exactly the same grounded-grid core design, and all of them making nice big waves in the ether when fired up. I was…

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Sizing of a Solar Charging System for a QRP Beacon

April 7, 2017 - 9:18 pm

When you run a small low power beacon like the Ultimate3S from QRP-Labs it is attractive to consider powering it from batteries with a solar panel. But how long will it last? A number of things are conspiring to make our lives as amateur radio experimenters difficult. On the one hand the cheap Chinese imports…

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WSPRing is addictive

November 5, 2015 - 8:29 am

Like the mermaid calling the sailor, this mode called WSPR seems to be calling me back every time. Circumstances pushed me out of the house into my new outside semi-underground shack which made me QRT for a while while I was painting and renovating, but the first thing I did (after making the few compulsary…

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Flex-1500 – Starting the SDR journey

May 31, 2015 - 9:20 am

I might be older, but I’m very young at heart when it comes to technology. I love playing with all the latest gadgets and adopting my hobby to the emerging technologies. One example would be that I only run solid-state amplifiers (watch out for my series of articles on building my own). I also talk…

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Nixie Tube Clock

May 6, 2015 - 3:08 pm

Nixie Tube Clock I’m sorry in advance if I’m going to hurt somebody’s feelings here, but you cannot be a radio ham if you not like small glass bottles that glows in the dark. Even if you are a die-hard solid-state amateur like me, you absolutely HAVE-to-have something that indicates or flashes or twinkles in…

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Weather Station on Raspberry Pi

January 19, 2014 - 6:32 pm

What a nice picture of a weather station – but it is not mine. My little guy is a La Crosse WX-2315 that I picked for relatively cheap and it has been running on my Windows XP laptop for a few weeks, using WUHU. It works well. But, being the inquisitive kind, I decided I…

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The “P” in QRP stands for Pocket with the X1M Platinum

November 12, 2013 - 8:47 am

The new QRP is here – where the “P” stands for In-My-“Pocket” and not for Low-“Power”. In days gone by one would purchase a Yaesu FT-817, or if you had a few more buckaroos you might consider a pricey Elecraft KX3 if your budget can stretch that far. While they were low-power, they were far…

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SignaLink SignaLink Where Art Thou?

October 30, 2013 - 9:59 am

A few days ago I was super-excited when Kobus Conradie ZS1K notified me that my newly purchased SignaLink USB was in the post. I built a few homebrew interfaces and they worked very well, so well in fact that I was ready to consider working mobile and QRP while on holiday. My research indicated the…

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Dearly Beloved (put your own name here)

August 15, 2013 - 8:13 am

You know the phrase: “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today …” and just like in real life, you are getting a pretty photo of what my beloved Yaesu FT-707 looked like when she was younger, before she went SK. Today, sadly, she doesn’t look like that any longer. Poking around the insides far longer…

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CTCSS Tones For Older Radios

July 16, 2013 - 1:03 pm

Jay my old Yaesu FT-480R is now operational on tone-protected repeaters! (Ed: Almost!) From my bad location deep in the pits of Sandton I can just reach the Sandton repeater (145.700) up on the water tower near Wm Nicol Drive if I look north, and if I look south I can definitely reach the ZS6TJ…

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