I used to own a Yaesu FT-857D, three of them, in fact. With them I made all sorts of contacts: straight contacts, QRP digital contacts, mobile FM contacts, and they even pushed my FL2100Z amplifier to full output when I needed to. I loved them and trusted them. While the screen might have been a…
The Joy Of Building Kits
I managed to get my hands on a few of the latest (2020) QCX Plus kits from QRP-Labs and as usual I had no difficulty finding homes for the extra kits, obviously keeping one for myself to build in the wee hours of the morning when it is quieter. It was – as always –…
LED Lamp Behaviour
So I got my hands on some of these 12 volt LED lamps (chips / modules / lights / whatever) and since I had enough to burn one or two “by accident” I thought I should spend a few minutes to get to know them better. I’m not referring to your regular little round 1.2…
Making (Big) Waves
The Yaesu FL-2100Z is a classic HF amplifier. It sits near the end of a long life line of multiple variations and models of the basic 811A or 572B triode valve, all using exactly the same grounded-grid core design, and all of them making nice big waves in the ether when fired up. I was…
The QCX – a Nifty Little Gadget
So yesterday (it was a Sunday) I had a lot to do, but nothing more important than to cut open the wrappings of the 20m QCX kit that I purchased from QRP-Labs a few months ago. Yes, it was still lying in its protective wrappings after all this time. Work is seriously interfering with my…
Argentine balloon to fly to South Africa and beyond
Argentine balloon to fly to South Africa and beyond
Sizing of a Solar Charging System for a QRP Beacon
When you run a small low power beacon like the Ultimate3S from QRP-Labs it is attractive to consider powering it from batteries with a solar panel. But how long will it last? A number of things are conspiring to make our lives as amateur radio experimenters difficult. On the one hand the cheap Chinese imports…
Beaconing Five Modes in Twenty Minutes

While WSPR’ing across multiple bands (“band hopping”) has been done before, I thought it might be interesting to do five different modes on the same band. It was easier done than said! I was sitting with a customer’s QRP-Labs Ultimate3S beacon on my bench, all built up and ready to test. It was a single…
No Sound from my SDR
And in other news, I’m trying to play with this cute little SDR receiver (the cuteness which I am sharing with you in another post), but I’m having mega problems. Don’t get me wrong: The issue is not SDR or this cute little Rx. I own and operate a Flex-1500 which has quietly become my…
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