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The Great South African G90 2021 Tour

March 13, 2021 - 10:36 am

I used to own a Yaesu FT-857D, three of them, in fact. With them I made all sorts of contacts: straight contacts, QRP digital contacts, mobile FM contacts, and they even pushed my FL2100Z amplifier to full output when I needed to. I loved them and trusted them. While the screen might have been a…

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New Call Sign ZR6LU

October 20, 2013 - 8:21 am

My new call sign arrived today – ZR6LU. Shorter and easier on PSK31 which is my favourite operating mode. Hope I don’t get tonge-tied the first few times! From now on I am ZR6LU and not ZS6ALU anymore. I invested a lot in the old ZS6ALU call sign, I created this website, I built a…

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Ham Radio Operators Do It

July 31, 2013 - 7:47 am

And now for some engineering funnies: Ham Radio Operators do it with more frequency and less resistance. And: Three guys in a car: A mechanical engineer, a Ham Radio operator and a MicroSoft employee are on their way to a meeting when suddenly the car in which they were riding breaks down. “It’s probably the…

Ham Radio Operators Do It - continue reading

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Huisbesoek: ZS6UT Ed Willers

March 10, 2013 - 6:40 pm

I had the privilege of visiting Ed Willers ZS6UT at him temporary QTH in Faerie Glen recently. It is always a privilege to meet one of your fellow hams in person, and Ed was no exception. The background is as follows: You will read about the noise (QRN QRM) at my QTH, and my attempts…

Huisbesoek: ZS6UT Ed Willers - continue reading
