I purchased my Yaesu FT-857 a few years ago, way way before the new 5MHz (60 meter) allocation was available to hams, so it wasn’t a consideration then. However things have changed and last weekend the SARL organised a whole weekend’s worth of playing on the new frequencies. Oh what is a man to do…
Yaesu FT-726R
Tired of struggling with pressing buttons on the new radios to get to deeply embedded menu systems even if you want to change a simple thing like Clarify? And, well, forget about working cross-band satelite! Well, the Yaesu FT-726R VHF/UHF Amateur Transceiver must be the last and ultimate all-mode VHF/UHF radio for afficinados who prefer…
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Yaesu FT-221R
I fell in love with this baby immediately – it has every mode a ham can ask for, and if you lift the top cover you can reach every adjustment you want to make. She is a classic, manufactured during the late 1970’s when everything was tidy and used a computer back-plane with plug-in modules.…
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Weather Station on Raspberry Pi
What a nice picture of a weather station – but it is not mine. My little guy is a La Crosse WX-2315 that I picked for relatively cheap and it has been running on my Windows XP laptop for a few weeks, using WUHU. It works well. But, being the inquisitive kind, I decided I…
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Working PSK31 with a X1M and Digimaster Pro3
Interfacing a Xiegu X1M 5 watt QRP HF transceiver to a G4ZLP Digimaster Pro3 to go digital and portable on the HF bands, by Leon Uys ZR6LU. I recently obtained a Xiego X1M HF radio from OM Rory in Port Elizabeth. Nice package and works SSB out of the box. I took it with me…
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The “P” in QRP stands for Pocket with the X1M Platinum
The new QRP is here – where the “P” stands for In-My-“Pocket” and not for Low-“Power”. In days gone by one would purchase a Yaesu FT-817, or if you had a few more buckaroos you might consider a pricey Elecraft KX3 if your budget can stretch that far. While they were low-power, they were far…
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