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Getting my Yaesu FT-857D on the new 60 meter bands

September 25, 2014 - 8:20 am

I purchased my Yaesu FT-857 a few years ago, way way before the new 5MHz (60 meter) allocation was available to hams, so it wasn’t a consideration then. However things have changed and last weekend the SARL organised a whole weekend’s worth of playing on the new frequencies. Oh what is a man to do…

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Yaesu FT-726R

April 21, 2014 - 5:18 pm

Tired of struggling with pressing buttons on the new radios to get to deeply embedded menu systems even if you want to change a simple thing like Clarify? And, well, forget about working cross-band satelite! Well, the Yaesu FT-726R VHF/UHF Amateur Transceiver must be the last and ultimate all-mode VHF/UHF radio for afficinados who prefer…

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Yaesu FT-221R

April 20, 2014 - 5:08 pm

I fell in love with this baby immediately – it has every mode a ham can ask for, and if you lift the top cover you can reach every adjustment you want to make. She is a classic, manufactured during the late 1970’s when everything was tidy and used a computer back-plane with plug-in modules.…

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A Buyers Guide to the FT-817ND and X1M

February 10, 2014 - 12:26 pm

So, you want to know about my X1M? Why I bought it? Actually, I wish I could tell you any bad news, and yes there are some annoyances, but generally speaking for the price I paid I have a very good radio. Do you mind if I tell you some background? I have a Yaesu…

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Weather Station on Raspberry Pi

January 19, 2014 - 6:32 pm

What a nice picture of a weather station – but it is not mine. My little guy is a La Crosse WX-2315 that I picked for relatively cheap and it has been running on my Windows XP laptop for a few weeks, using WUHU. It works well. But, being the inquisitive kind, I decided I…

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Working PSK31 with a X1M and Digimaster Pro3

December 29, 2013 - 9:12 pm

Interfacing a Xiegu X1M 5 watt QRP HF transceiver to a G4ZLP Digimaster Pro3 to go digital and portable on the HF bands, by Leon Uys ZR6LU. I recently obtained a Xiego X1M HF radio from OM Rory in Port Elizabeth. Nice package and works SSB out of the box. I took it with me…

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The “P” in QRP stands for Pocket with the X1M Platinum

November 12, 2013 - 8:47 am

The new QRP is here – where the “P” stands for In-My-“Pocket” and not for Low-“Power”. In days gone by one would purchase a Yaesu FT-817, or if you had a few more buckaroos you might consider a pricey Elecraft KX3 if your budget can stretch that far. While they were low-power, they were far…

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Going Digital with G4ZLP DigiMaster Pro3

November 10, 2013 - 1:16 pm

The next critical piece in my quest to become completely QRP-Portable arrived on Friday afternoon. No sooner did I arrive home than I ripped open the box, ignored the instructions, and promptly proceeded to connect and use my new sound card and CAT interface – a DigiMaster Pro3 from G4ZLP. Happiness knows no boundaries! Now…

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VHF/UHF Mobile in the Mobile

November 6, 2013 - 11:35 am

I must be more careful, Sam does it again! So I walk into Radio Accesories innocently, just wanting to say Hi to Sam and Bertrand and check up on things. For some reason the conversation drifts to the new special that he is running for the new hams that just passed their RAE exams –…

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Dearly Beloved (put your own name here)

August 15, 2013 - 8:13 am

You know the phrase: “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today …” and just like in real life, you are getting a pretty photo of what my beloved Yaesu FT-707 looked like when she was younger, before she went SK. Today, sadly, she doesn’t look like that any longer. Poking around the insides far longer…

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