Picture of Thulani on the roof again. Useful to have a spannerboy when things drop to the ground. Anyways, to his left (picture right) is my newly installed, rusted and bent, 90cm dish pointing to SES-5 (also known as the TopTV satellite). What a mission to get it going! No, not the holes in the…
You are currently browsing the post archives for April 2013.
Sounds Better
Comparing my two rigs, I was under the impression that my older Yaesu FT-840 had much better sounding audio than the new Yaesu FT-857D. This is strange for me, and counter-intuitive, as I thought the newer radio would perform better. I also have to mention that I have a selecion of antennas to choose from,…
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The Missing Q Codes
We use so few Q-codes nowadays! QTH, QRM, QSL, and thats about it. While there is an official list, some very useful Q signals have never made it to the ARRL’s and Amateur’s official list. I came across this very useful list. Only use in appropriate situations. As with regular Q signals, each can be…
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My FT-840 is not resisting
I am out on a limb here. Most of my friends use Kenwood or Icom radios but I love Yaesu radios, they talk to me (pun not intended)! It might have something to do with the fact that my first rig many years ago was a Yaesu FT-707 with tuner and PSU and everything and…
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My MagLoop so far
Well, if you have been following my other posts you will know that I live next to a monster of a power line servitude, less than 40 meters away from my shack. And 40 meters high. On my favourite HF band the noise levels almost hurt your ears. Something had to be done. I tried…