Ultimate 3 S – part 2 – drifting a bit

U3s WSPR drifting
I let the U3s run last night with the first LPF relay board installed (6 bands only) and hopping in sequence from 80m to 10m just to see what can happen. I’m still learning the device, she is not a trivial little kit! I added a CW ID as the last transmission.
Anyways to my surprise two major discoveries: The single output transistor is not overheating – thats gotta be good. And then some spotters uploaded my callsign! This is amazing because the bands were a little bad. To see my signal going as far as 8000km on only 200mW (I didn’t actually measure the 200mW, I’m just assuming) is a great accomplishment.
The little worry is that it appears to drift a little on 10m, only 3 Hz or so, but still … I wanted to put up a 2m beacon sometime and the drift is not good. Mind you, I haven’t done anything to stop it, there are some hint’s on Hans Summers’ blog site.
Meanwhile, maybe it is time to build the OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) and see if that brings an improvement.