VHF/UHF Mobile in the Mobile

Posted on Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 at 11:35 am in

Wouxun KG-UV920P

Wouxun KG-UV920P

I must be more careful, Sam does it again! So I walk into Radio Accesories innocently, just wanting to say Hi to Sam and Bertrand and check up on things. For some reason the conversation drifts to the new special that he is running for the new hams that just passed their RAE exams – a Wouxun KG-UV920P VHF/UHF 50watt for a very good price.

Somewhere during the conversation Sam lets me hold the radio in my hands, and as you all know, one you have touched the goodies your hands are stuck with superglue and you can’t let go.

Eventually I walk away with the Wouxun KG-UV920P radio (the latest version I believe), a Surmen NR-770R dual-band antenna, a K412 lip-mount bracket, and a Surmen SC-ECH 5 meter RG58 body mount harness – the complete outfit. I opted for the better bracket because it allows 3D adjustment and the slightly better gain antenna because the cost difference wasn’t big, but if you are tight on the cost then you can buy the slightly cheaper versions – I’m sure Sam will be happy to supply.

Rushing home (it was after 5pm) I unpacked everything on the front seat of the car expecting a major installation effort. I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the screws, clips and tools were included. Installation took me the full amount of 20 minutes. All-in-all this is a very good combination with everything included – just add 12 volt and go! My first QSO was through a repeater and good signal reports followed effortlessly.

My subjective review of the radio is that it has a very good receiver. It feels like the receiver is super-hot, picking up signals and holding them when driving. I like it and can recommend this as a good buy for an amateur looking for a FM rig.

wouxun920 inside

wouxun920 inside
