Weather Station on Raspberry Pi
What a nice picture of a weather station – but it is not mine. My little guy is a La Crosse WX-2315 that I picked for relatively cheap and it has been running on my Windows XP laptop for a few weeks, using WUHU. It works well.But, being the inquisitive kind, I decided I wanted to try my hand at the Raspberry Pi. I’m comfortable with linux but not an expert. WUHU didn’t seem like an option on the Raspberry Pi and Debian, but I came across the python-based Debian package called “weewx” that looked interesting. And further reading pointed me to the website of Chris Davies-Barnard which helped me a lot. I think I encountered one or two typos on his website which were obvious enough, but for the rest it was logical and clear and took me all the way to a working installation.
I’m uploading to Weather Underground as IGAUTENG115 in Glenadrienne, go have a look.
What I like about this setup is that I am now low-power, whereas previously I had to keep the laptop powered up. I haven’t had to restart the whole circus and see that it comes up correctly after a power failure or unintended shutdown but that will have to wait for later.