QRSS on 30m with Arduino

Posted on Wednesday, January 7th, 2015 at 8:43 am in

QRSS on Arduino

QRSS on Arduino

QRSS is not something I knew anything about, until I stumbled across a useful use for my Arduino: A small daughter board (called a shield) with a few components to turn it into a QRSS transmitter.

I admit I am lazy and morse code is way out of my reach – know the joke? did it once and didn’t like it? Similarly I had never heard a QRSS signal until I built and tested my module. But once it was up and running I started to become a little more interested in trying to decipher the morse code. And once that got going, I couldn’t help but try to listen out for other QRSS callsigns.

There is a lot of information on QRSS on the internet, so I will only comment on my own experiences. Firstly, the kit was easy to build.
