Nixie Tube Clock

Posted on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 at 3:08 pm in
Nixie Tube Clock
Nixie Tube Clock

I’m sorry in advance if I’m going to hurt somebody’s feelings here, but you cannot be a radio ham if you not like small glass bottles that glows in the dark. Even if you are a die-hard solid-state amateur like me, you absolutely HAVE-to-have something that indicates or flashes or twinkles in your shack.

I managed for a while, but then the nixie tube gogga bit me. And the more I read about it, and saw the videos, the more I lusted. Unfortunately, the poor-gogga bit first and my empty wallet reminded me that my lust was higher than my bank account. Of course, I tried importing. It just adds to your misery because sending parcels via the Post Office has become a futile attempt.

Then my new best friend GumTree knocked on my door. I found Raymond in Bedford View who makes beautiful nixie clocks. When you look at his website, you can believe me that the clocks are even prettier in real life. He has already optimised his design to include a FM Radio and it all hangs together very well. Go get his website for more information.

So now in the evenings I sit in my shack and admire my newfound Nixie Tube Clock.
