You are currently browsing the post archives for January 2014.

Weather Station on Raspberry Pi

Posted on January 19, 2014 at 6:32 pm in

What a nice picture of a weather station – but it is not mine. My little guy is a La Crosse WX-2315 that I picked for relatively cheap and it has been running on my Windows XP laptop for a few weeks, using WUHU. It works well. But, being the inquisitive kind, I decided I…

Weather Station on Raspberry Pi - continue reading

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WSPR is open on 10 meters

Posted on January 10, 2014 at 5:07 pm in

I am as excited as a child in a toy shop! My favourite band is 10 meters and on my recently set-up WSPR station I am hitting anywhere from 5 to 9 stations across the grayline. That is the coolest thing! My station is as follows: Radio: A Chinese Xiego X1M Platinum (puts out 5…

WSPR is open on 10 meters - continue reading

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