The Yaesu FL-2100Z is a classic HF amplifier. It sits near the end of a long life line of multiple variations and models of the basic 811A or 572B triode valve, all using exactly the same grounded-grid core design, and all of them making nice big waves in the ether when fired up. I was…
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The QCX – a Nifty Little Gadget
So yesterday (it was a Sunday) I had a lot to do, but nothing more important than to cut open the wrappings of the 20m QCX kit that I purchased from QRP-Labs a few months ago. Yes, it was still lying in its protective wrappings after all this time. Work is seriously interfering with my…
New Call Sign ZR6LU
My new call sign arrived today – ZR6LU. Shorter and easier on PSK31 which is my favourite operating mode. Hope I don’t get tonge-tied the first few times! From now on I am ZR6LU and not ZS6ALU anymore. I invested a lot in the old ZS6ALU call sign, I created this website, I built a…
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The Missing Q Codes
We use so few Q-codes nowadays! QTH, QRM, QSL, and thats about it. While there is an official list, some very useful Q signals have never made it to the ARRL’s and Amateur’s official list. I came across this very useful list. Only use in appropriate situations. As with regular Q signals, each can be…
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