DN-600-ZA Amplifier Project
With the amateur radio regulations recently opened to allow a slightly higher output, a lot of interest developed around HF Linear Amplifiers.Unfortunately, this interest is accompanied by a stronger interest from the bank manager, the US dollar and other affected parties like the XYL. The extra few watts doesn’t come cheap!
To put that into perspective, a 1000 watt linear out of the box is going to set you back a cool R60k to R70k before you know what hit you (like the koekroller). Some very nice new linears like the Juma 1000 is also hitting R38k to R40k landed cost before import duties and VAT. Scary stuff.
I kept wondering if there was a way of lessening the pain. To be honest, Google came up with many attractive options, but they cheaper they became the less functionality you got, naturally. For example, for a few thousand rand you can buy and import a set of boards that will generate 600 watts of good clean power. But, you have to add a chassis, knobs, power supply, wiring, too much to mention. Was it really worth it.
The answer has been lying in my inbox for a long time.