New Call Sign ZR6LU

Posted on Sunday, October 20th, 2013 at 8:21 am in

My new call sign arrived today – ZR6LU. Shorter and easier on PSK31 which is my favourite operating mode. Hope I don’t get tonge-tied the first few times!

From now on I am ZR6LU and not ZS6ALU anymore. I invested a lot in the old ZS6ALU call sign, I created this website, I built a following on some publications, I have a Gmail address. Shucks, I hope I don’t forget something. But if there is one thing life taught me, it is to move one. Don’t sit still. Hence, when the regulations changed the seeds of change were sown.

Karel Bezuidenhout says on Facebook Group ZONE 38 Amateur radio Chat: Geluk Leon. Vir diegene wie nog nie verstaan: Beide ZR en ZS is klas A. D.w.s. dieselfde status. Geen onderskeid. Juis daarom het my twee seuns ook besluit op ZR6K en ZR6O. Lekker kort en inderdaad meer gewild op die DX-bande.

Thanks for the encouragement Karel.
